In a distant kingdom, a group of royal architects was tasked with designing a new marketplace for the townsfolk. The king wanted it to be the grandest, most efficient marketplace ever built. However, gathering input from the townspeople was a daunting task. The architects would need to travel to every...
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The Joy Of Building Small Tools
Creating small tools that perform simple tasks to enhance the lives of others can be surprisingly rewarding.
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openai command not found
Notes from the front
openai command not found
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How To (CS) PhD
Pointers On The Hidden Curriculum
This blog post was adapted from a talk I gave during October of 2021. Literal books have been written on how to succeed in grad school. Having read several of them – and a healthy dose of blog posts – it can be overwhelming. This post is a distillation of...
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On Likert Scales In R
UPDATE: It seems that GitHub pages is less than pleased with my liberal use of formatting in this lengthy blog post. To view this guide in it’s intended form please check out the pdf version here.
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